FULL ICE CUBE: High density full ice cube, crystal-clear and pure. Suitable for the long-lasting cooling of any drink, without water it down, for any use.
HORIZONTAL EVAPORATOR, SPRAY SYSTEM: The horizontal evaporator consistsin conic copper cups faces down. The pump raises the water under pressure, which issprayed to the evaporators thaks to the sprayers. The ice cubes are formed inside each cup and thanks to the hot gas they will fall down into the tank.
BACK STAGE: Modular machines to be fitted on a separat storage for big ice capacity,to be usually installed on the backstage: hard workers, continuos production. Reallysuitable for
restaurants, hotels, discos, fast foods. They are a good solution also for the high-seasonbusiness. All models are for „tropical use’: they can produce ice even at a roomtemperature of
43°C and water temperature of 35°C.